
JIA 农经栏目合辑(2017)

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本合辑集选了JIA 2017年发表的农经栏目相关研究论文,内容涵盖粮食安全、气候变化与农业生产、农产品可持续生产、农业保险、生产者行为等话题,欢迎相关领域科研人员惠存,可识别二维码下载全文。

The prospects for China’s food security and imports: Will China starve the world via imports?


HUANG Ji-kun, WEI Wei, CUI Qi, XIE Wei


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HUANG Ji-kun, WEI Wei, CUI Qi, XIE Wei. The prospects for China's food security and imports: Will China starve the world via imports? Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2017, 16(12): 2933-2944.


Air pollution, food production and food security: A review from the perspective of food system


Feifei Sun, DAI Yun, Xiaohua Yu


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Feifei Sun, DAI Yun, Xiaohua Yu. Air pollution, food production and food security: A review from the perspective of food system. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2017, 16(12): 2945-2962.


A test on adverse selection of farmers in crop insurance: Results from Inner Mongolia, China


ZHAO Yuan-feng, CHAI Zhi-hui, Michael S. Delgado, Paul V. Preckel


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ZHAO Yuan-feng, CHAI Zhi-hui, Michael S. Delgado, Paul V. Preckel. A test on adverse selection of farmers in crop insurance: Results from Inner Mongolia, China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2017, 16(02): 478-485.


Extreme meteorological disaster effects on grain production in Jilin Province, China


XU Lei, ZHANG Qiao, ZHANG Jing, ZHAO Liang, SUN Wei, JIN Yun-xiang


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XU Lei, ZHANG Qiao, ZHANG Jing, ZHAO Liang, SUN Wei, JIN Yun-xiang . Extreme meteorological disaster effects on grain production in Jilin Province, China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2017, 16(02): 486-496.


Modeling the effects of urbanization on grain production and consumption in China


LU Wen-cong, Chen Ning-lu, Qian Wen-xin

城镇化对中国食品安全的影响在学术界已经获得了广泛的关注。但是中国能否在快速城镇化的背景下维持中国的食品安全,特别是粮食安全,还有待考察。许多文献都从单方面检验了城镇化对我国粮食生产或者是消费的影响,但是鲜有文献同时从两方面对我国粮食供求进行探讨。基于中国全球农业地区市场均衡模型(Chinese World Agricultural Regional Market Equilibrium Model , 简称CWARMEM),本文通过不同情景的设置,考察了城镇化对中国各省粮食均衡的影响。CWARMEM是一个同时刻画了城乡居民特征和全球化效应的局部均衡模型。本文结果显示:城镇化对粮食安全虽然有负面影响,但是影响程度比较小。此外,中国未来能够实现其政策制定者的设定的粮食安全目标。而且,城镇化将改变中国粮食区域供求关系:东北和华北地区作为中国两个最大的粮食剩余区的地位将被弱化,中南地区和华东地区对外的粮食依赖度将增加,东北地区的粮食剩余将略有增加。值得一提的是,从粮食种类而言,城镇化将使得口粮(水稻和小麦)自给率提高,而饲料粮(玉米)缺口扩大。

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LU Wen-cong, Chen Ning-lu, Qian Wen-xin. Modeling the effects of urbanization on grain production and consumption in China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2017, 16(06): 1393-1405.


Factors influencing farmers’ participation in crop intensification program in Rwanda


Alphonse Nahayo, Morris O. Omondi, ZHANG Xu-hui, LI Lian-qing, PAN Gen-xing, Stephen Joseph

卢旺达农牧业部2007年启动旨在克服耕地破碎化、农业投入不足和科技推广不普及等限制的作物生产提升计划。鉴于该计划是志愿参与而农民常常表现出不自愿参与,本研究分析和评价影响卢旺达农民参与该计划的各种因素。在卢旺达的Mayange and Rusarabuye地区进行了农户问卷调查,收集了340份答卷。采用描述性指标的统计及其基础上的回归模型方法分析农民参与该计划的因素。结果表明,显著影响卢旺达农民参与作物生产提升计划的因素包括:性别、非农收入、耕地面积、农作经验、土地经营权、市场机制、信用以及农业生态条件。非农收入关系到可用于农业的投资,因而正向提高农民的参与积极性。就土地经营权限来说,拥有(继承或者购买)耕地的农民显著地提高参与积极性,因为其土地的权属关系到其持久效益。但是,农机化服务和灌溉条件不足、农机推广服务不完善、计划规划阶段农民没有参与、农业投入不足以及产后加工不发达,都显著地阻碍了农民参与该计划的积极性。因此,农民与社区领导者、推广机构和农业服务经营商间的密切合作,灌溉和农机操作的实际技能培训,都能显著地推动农民投入该项计划的积极性。因此,从政策考虑,继续自下而上的组织和教育、完善农业科技推广服务网络以使农民掌握良好农作实践,是农民自愿地参与农业提升计划的最基本和急迫的需求。

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Alphonse Nahayo, Morris O. Omondi, ZHANG Xu-hui, LI Lian-qing, PAN Gen-xing, Stephen Joseph. Factors influencing farmers’ participation in crop intensification program in Rwanda. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2017, 16(06): 1406-1416.


Farmer behavior and perceptions to alternative scenarios in a highly intensive agricultural region, south central China


LI Hong-qing, ZHENG Fei, ZHAO Yao-yang


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LI Hong-qing, ZHENG Fei, ZHAO Yao-yang. Farmer behavior and perceptions to alternative scenarios in a highly intensive agricultural region, south central China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2017, 16(08): 1852-1864.


Efficiency and productivity analysis of vegetable farming within root and tuber-based systems in the humid tropics of Cameroon

Ajapnwa Akamin, Jean-Claude Bidogeza, Jules René Minkoua N, Victor Afari-Sefa

The study analyzes the technical efficiency of vegetable farmers in root and tuber-based farming systems within selected sites of the humid tropics of Cameroon. Multistage sampling was used to collect primary data from a cross-section of vegetable farmers drawn from eight selected sites in Santa sub division, Northwest region of Cameroon. Stochastic frontier analysis was used to estimate the technical efficiency of vegetable farmer and to examine its determinants. The results showed that farmyard manure was the most productive factor input, followed by farm equipment and labor. The mean technical efficiency level was 67%, revealing production shortfalls and indicating possibilities of significantly increasing production with the current input levels. Female, as well as more educated farmers were found to be significantly more efficient than their counterparts. The results also showed that farmers become less technical efficient as farm sizes become larger. Our study findings suggest that smallholder farmers’ access to manure, farm implements, and increased women participation in vegetable farming, will produce huge payoffs in vegetable production efficiency in Cameroon.

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Ajapnwa Akamin, Jean-Claude Bidogeza, Jules René Minkoua N, Victor Afari-Sefa. Efficiency and productivity analysis of vegetable farming within root and tuber-based systems in the humid tropics of Cameroon. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2017, 16(08): 1865-1873.


Rice variety improvement and the contribution of foreign germplasms in China

SHI Xiao-hua, HU Rui-fa

The introduction and use of foreign germplasms have played an important role in the improvement of crop varieties in China. Based on published data and interviews of scientists, we collected data on the sown area, morphological characteristics, and pedigree of the popular rice varieties grown in the 16 major rice production provinces in China, from 1982 to 2011. Results showed that China’s scientists developed the largest number of rice varieties worldwide, and that rice yield potential and grain quality have substantiality improved during the studied period. In contrast, newly-released varieties’ resistance to diseases and insects has decreased since the 1990s.  The germplasms from the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) and from Japan have contributed 16.4 and 11.2% of genetic materials to China’s rice production from 1982 to 2011, respectively. While IRRI’s materials contributed to the improvement of yield potential, growth duration, and blast and bacterial blight resistance, Japan’s materials contributed to the improvement of grain quality. Materials from other countries contributed to the improvement of resistance to diseases and insects, particularly to rice blast disease, brown plant hoppers, white-backed plant hoppers, and striped stem borers.

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SHI Xiao-hua, HU Rui-fa. Rice variety improvement and the contribution of foreign germplasms in China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2017, 16(10): 2337-2345.  


The impact of Bt cotton adoption on the stability of pesticide use


QIAO Fang-bin, HUANG Ji-kun, WANG Shu-kun, LI Qiang


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QIAO Fang-bin, HUANG Ji-kun, WANG Shu-kun, LI Qiang. The impact of Bt cotton adoption on the stability of pesticide use. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2017, 16(10): 2346-2356.





